
Enchanted spellboard directions
Enchanted spellboard directions

the type of protection needed also includes a blessing as well as calling upon your gatekeeper to allow no spirit other than those requested to come through.Īwesome.

enchanted spellboard directions

you will still need to safely open and close the board as well as set up a protective circle around yourself and others using the board with you and make sure nobody steps outside of that circle while the board is open. take care! arsineĬrone maatkaere wrote:this is basically nothing more than another type of ouija board.

enchanted spellboard directions

there is a site dragonoakdotcom that can offer a lot of information to those new to spirit board use. the type of protection needed also includes a blessing as well as calling upon your gatekeeper to allow no spirit other than those requested to come through.Ī google search of any site dealing with ouija can give you protective blessings however it is our own intent that brings forth the most energy so if you use your own words such as "i am possessed of divine light, i call upon the protection of the archangels and guides, my gatekeeper will not allow any unauthorized spirits to pass for i am divinely protected".Ī cleansing of the board after each use is also suggested to remove any negativity which may have attached itself during it's use. This is basically nothing more than another type of ouija board.

Enchanted spellboard directions